조 용 근 사진
조 용 근
Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations


학사포항공과대학교 물리학과
석사포항공과대학교 수학과
박사포항공과대학교 수학과


- 2007.02~2007.08 포항공과대학교 수학과, 대우 조교수

- 2004.11~2007.01 Hokkaido Univ., JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow

- 2003.09~2004.11 연세대학교 수학과 연구교수


1. (with E. Koh and S. Lee) A maximal inequality for filtration on some function spaces Osaka J. Math. 41 (2004), 267-276.

2. (with H. J. Choe and H. Kim) Unique solvability of the initial boundary value problems for compressible viscous fluids, J. Math. Pures Appl. 83 (2004), 243-275.

3. (with H. Kim) Unique solvability for the density-dependent Navier-Stokes equations Nonlinear Analysis 59 (2004), 465-489.

4. (with Y. Shim) Weighted L^2 estimates for maximal operators associated to dispersive equations, Illinois J. Math. 48 (2004), 1081-1092.

5. (with Y. Kim, S. Lee and Y. Shim) Sharp L^p-L^q estimates for Bochner-Riesz operators of negative index in R^n, n >= 3, J. Func. Anal. 218 (2005) 150-167.

6. (with C. Ahn) Lorentz space extension of Strichartz estimates Proc. A.M.S. 133 (2005) 3497-3503.

7. (with H. Kim) On the classical solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with nonnegative initial densities, Manuscripta Mathematica 120 (2006), 91-129 (published online).

8. (with B.J. Jin) Blow-up of the viscous heat-conducting compressible flow J. Math. Anal. Appl. 320 (2006), 819-826.

9. (with T. Ozawa) Remarks on modified improved Boussinesq equations in one space Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 462 (2006), 1949-1963.

10. (with H. Kim) Existence results for viscous polytropic fluids with vacuum Journal of Differential Equations 228 (2006), 377-411.

11. (with S. Lee and Y. Shim) A maximal inequality associated to Schoroedinger type equation Hokkaido Math. J. 35 (2006), 767-778.

12. (with T. Ozawa) Global existence on nonlinear Schroedinger-IMBq equations J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 46 (2006), 535-552.

13. (with T. Ozawa) On the semi-relativistic Hartree type equation SIAM J. Math. Anal. 38 (2006), 1060-1074.

14. (with T. Ozawa) On small amplitude solutions to the generalized Boussinesq equations DCDS-A 17 (2007), 691-711.

15. High regularity of solutions of compressible Navier-Stokes equations Advances in Differential Equations. 12 (2007), 893-960.

16. (with T. Ozawa) Global solutions to semirelativistic Hartree equations J. KMS. 44 (2007), 1065-1078.


