장 용 석 사진
장 용 석
자연과학대학 4호관 308호


학사 서울대학교 농생물학과
석사 서울대학교 미생물학과
박사 Northwestern Univ. 면역학


1993.08 ~ 1994.02 : 서울대학교 암연구소 선임연구원
1994.03 ~ 1996.03 : 전북대학교 분자생물학과 전임강사
1996.04 ~ 2011.02 : 전북대학교 생물과학부 조교수, 부교수
2011.03 ~ 현재 : 전북대학교 분자생물학과 교수
2008.10 ~ 2010.10 : 전북대학교 유전공학연구소 소장
2010.06 ~ 2012.06 : 전북대학교 공동실험실습관 관장
2013.01 ~ 2013.12 : 대한면역학회 국제협력위원장
2013.09 ~ 현재 : BK21+ 지역특화산업선도사업단 단장
2014.07 ~ 2017.08 : 한국연구재단 생명과학단 전문위원
2018.01 ~ 2018.12 : 대한면역학회 부회장
2019.01 ~ 2019.12 : 대한면역학회 회장


1. Kim, J., Y. L. Yang and Y.-S. Jang. 2019. Human β-defensin 2 is involved in CCR2-mediated Nod2 signal transduction, leading to activation of the innate immune response in macrophages. Immunbiology. 224: 502-510. 2019-07-31

2. Kim, J., Y. L. Yang, S.-H. Jang, and Y.-S. Jang. 2018. Human β-defensin 2 plays a regulatory role in innate antiviral immunity and is capable of potentiating the induction of antigen-specific immunity. Virol. J. 15: 124. 2018-08-08

3. Kim, S.-H., Y. N. Kim, J. Kim and Y.-S. Jang. 2018. C5a receptor targeting of partial non-structural protein 3 of dengue virus promotes antigen-specific IFN-γ-producing T-cell responses in a mucosal dengue vaccine model. Cell. Immunol. 325: 41-47. 2018-03-31

4. Kim, S.-H., B.-H. Cho, H. Kiyono and Y.-S. Jang. 2017. Microbiota-derived butyrate suppresses group 3 innate lymphoid cells in terminal ileal Peyer’s patches. Sci. Rep. 7(1): 3980. 2017-06-21

5. Jang, S.-H., J. Park, S.-H. Kim, K.-M. Choi, E.-S. Ko, J.-D. Cha, Y.-R. Lee, H. Jang and Y.-S. Jang. 2017. Red ginseng powder fermented with probiotics exerts antidiabetic effects in the streptozotocin-induced mouse diabetes model. Pharm. Biol. 55(1): 317-323. 2017-01-31

6. Kim, S.-H., Y. N. Kim and Y.-S. Jang. 2017. LL-37-mediated formyl peptide receptor-2 signaling in follicular dendritic cells contributes to B-cell activation in Peyer’s patch germinal centers. J. Immunol. 198: 629-633. 2017-01-15

7. Kim, S.-H., Y. N. Kim, T. T. Truong, N. T. T. Thuy, L. Q. Mai and Y.-S. Jang. 2016. Development of a monoclonal antibody specific to envelope domain III with broad-spectrum detection of all four dengue virus serotypes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 473: 894-898.

8. Park, J., K.-W. Seo, S.-H. Kim, H.-Y. Lee, B. Kim, C. W. Lim, J.-H. Kim, H. S. Yoo, Y.-S. Jang. 2015. Nasal immunization with M cell-targeting ligand-conjugated ApxIIA toxin fragment induces protective immunity against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae infection in a murine model. Vet. Microbiol. 177(1-2): 142-153. 2015-05-15.

9. Kim, S.-H., I.-Y. Yang, J. Kim, K.-Y. Lee and Y.-S. Jang. 2015. Antimicrobial peptide LL-37 promotes antigen-specific immune responses in mice by enhancing Th17-skewed mucosal and systemic immunity. Eur. J. Immunol. 45: 1402-1413. 2015-05-01

10. Choe, C.-H., I. S. Park, J. Park, K.-Y. Yu, H. Jang, J. Kim and Y.-S. Jang. 2015. Transmembrane protein 173 inhibits RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation. FEBS Lett. 589(7): 836-841. 2015-03-24.

11. Kim, S.-H., D.-I. Jung, I.-Y. Yang, S.-H. Jang, J. Kim, T. T. Truong, T. V. Pham, N. U. Truong, K.-Y. Lee and Y.-S. Jang. 2013. Application of M cell-targeting ligand for oral vaccination induces efficient systemic and mucosal immune responses against viral antigen. Int. Immunol. 25(11): 623-632.

12. Kim, S.-H., I.-Y. Yang, S.-H. Jang, J. Kim, T. T. Truong, T. V. Pham, N. U. Truong, K.-Y. Lee and Y.-S. Jang. 2013. C5a receptor-targeting ligand-mediated delivery of dengue virus antigen to M cells evokes antigen-specific systemic and mucosal immune responses in oral immunization. Microbes Infect. 15(13): 895-902. Highlight

13. Kim, S.-H. and Y.-S. Jang. 2014. Antigen-targeting to M cells for enhancing the efficacy of mucosal vaccines. Exp. Mol. Med. 46(e85): 1-8. 2014-03-14. Research Summary

14. Yang, H.-Y., J. Kim, S.-H. Kim, C.-H. Choe and Y.-S. Jang. 2013. Pro-IL-16 is associated with MHC class II-mediated negative regulation of mouse resting B cell activation through MAP kinases, NF-κB, and Skp2-dependent p27kip regulation. Scand. J. Immunol. 77: 177-186.

15. Kim, S.-H., S.-H. Jang, J. Kim, K.-Y. Lee and Y.-S. Jang. 2013. A microneutralization assay for dengue viruses using mosquito C6/36 cells. Acta Virol. 57(3): 379-381.

16. Seo, K.-W., S.-H. Kim, J. Park, H. S. Yoo, K.-Y. Lee and Y.-S. Jang. 2013. Nasal immunization with major epitope-containing ApxIIA toxin fragment induces protective immunity against challenge infection with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in a murine model. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 151(1-2): 102-112. 2013-01-15

17. Kim, S.-H., D.-I. Jung, I.-Y. Yang, J. Kim, K.-Y. Lee, T. Nochi, H. Kiyono and Y.-S. Jang. 2011. M cells expressing the complement C5a receptor are efficient targets for mucosal vaccine delivery. Eur. J. Immunol. 41: 3219-3229. 2011-11-01.

18. Noh, Y.-W., Y.-S. Jang, K.-J. Ahn, Y. T. Lim and B. H. Chung. 2011. Simultaneous in vivo tracking of dendritic cells and priming of an antigen-specific immune response. Biomaterials 32: 6254-6263. 2011-09-11.

19. Kim, S.-H., K.-W. Seo, J. Kim, K.-Y. Lee and Y.-S. Jang. 2010. The M cell-targeting ligand promotes antigen delivery and induces antigen-specific immune responses in mucosal vaccination. J. Immunol. 185(10): 5787-5795. 2010-11-15

